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At Fierce Tactics, we love efficiency.

That’s why we are happy to share our best practices in the form of this video series called 'How to'. We hope this inspires you to further optimize your business, organization, or service.


Because efficient companies exceed customer expectations, engage happy employees, and optimize their costs.

You can download all presentations via downloads.


Do you have a comment, question, or suggestion? Feedback is more than welcome, so please feel free to get in touch.

How to 1:
How do I guarantee the accessibility of my customer service?

How to 2:
How do I draft a balanced contract with a result-based bonus-malus?

How to 3:
How do I choose between onshoring, nearshoring, and offshoring?

How to 4:

How do I set SMART objectives for employees?

How to 5:

How do I organise the ideal team meeting?

How to 6:
How do I fix my culture of heroes?

How to 7:
How do I optimise my customer retention?

How to 8:
How do I manage an employee who grows into a leadership role?

How to 9:
How do I work cost-effectively with incentives?

How to 10:
How do I give negative feedback?

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